Sunday 24 July 2011

The Plane Ride

So, I am now in Singapore. After flying for ~22 hours, I am now on the other side of the world. And the necessary plane rides weren't actually that bad.

We left on the first plane at around 3:30 pm on Friday. In a nigh-miraculous turn of events, I was able to snag myself a row of three seats, upon which I was able to lie down and sleep on top of. Though the seats were kind of lumpy, I was able to sleep for about five straight hours throughout which I was routinely woken up by unimportant announcements about such things as "turbulence" and "seat belts." I also watched Inception for the first time, which probably wasn't a great idea, because my musings on what happened at the end prevented me from sleeping for at least half an hour afterward.

The plan was that after our plane stopped in Hong Kong, we'd have at least 50 minutes to find our way to the plane that was then supposed to transport us to Singapore. However, the first plane was 30 minutes late, so our 50 minutes turned into a bunch of nutty scurrying as we frantically followed this little woman in red who was supposed to show us from our first flight to our second one (we even took the airport train to speed up our progress. It had a train).

Our second flight was worse in almost every way. The seats were smaller, there weren't any cup-holders or legroom, you couldn't watch movies on demand, etc. And my little food-lap-table thingy kept springing up, so I couldn't really put anything on it. That turned out to not be a problem, as I was fed up with airplane food by that point and didn't eat anything anyway.

And then we landed without incident.


  1. "the seats were kind of lumpy" those seats weren't empty, the people just tolerated you. you're terrible

  2. Sounds like it wasn't that bad of a plane ride.
