Monday 12 March 2012

The Splendid Return

Hi blog, how are you?

How have you been keeping?

I'm fine. I don't think much has really changed. I mean, I got a job. that's about it. It's a decent job; it pays well, I get decent hours, and my coworkers are tolerable. It's better than painting. Though, when I think about it, I think my peers in construction were actually a good deal nicer than my restaurant ones. But whatever.

So blog, how have you been spending your time? I see you're still getting a steady stream of page views even though I've sort of been neglecting you. Granted, most of those views are probably from my baby brother, who continues to neurotically check my blog even when he knows that it hasn't been updated.

I've gotten into crochet. I'm not very good, but it's something to kill time with. We'll see whether or not I stick with it. I feel like I need to narrow down my interests and focus on doing less things to a greater extent.

So, do you like your current colour? I've thought about changing it, but I just can't be bothered to spend any amount of time editing something that isn't really that bad. The default layout serves all my purposes pretty well.

I've also noticed that some people are still viewing you using Internet Explorer. That's disappointing. I hope you do something about that before I decide to post again.which I will. I promise. Soon.

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