Tuesday 27 September 2011

I'm back! Also, Bali

Hello, dear people. First off, I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for not posting for like ten days. though it pained me to go so long without bragging about my life, I had good reason not to post, for I was in Hong Kong. And then I came back to Canada. These two factors combined to limit my available free time and prevent me releasing any posts. But whatever, I'm back now and still unemployed, so I will continue posting.

Do note that though I am now in Canada, the next two or three posts will still be about my adventures in Singapore, as I have not yet had the time to post about everything I have done.

So, Bali. Or rather, the island of Bali within the country of Indonesia. It was a bit colder than the perpetual 31 degree weather of Singapore, but the vegetation looked just like Singapore would have looked like if it hadn't been covered by a city.

We went to Bali for about 3 Earth days, and my uncle and I spent part of the 2nd day boogieing around Bali on some buggies, during which I took the above picture.

This handsome devil took the last red buggy.

We buggied for a good two hours, and by the time we were done I could have built a sand castle out of the dust that had accumulated on my body. The guide said that it was either buggy in dry weather and get caked in dust, or buggy in weather and get caked in mud. It would have been nice if they had told us to bring goggles or something.

At one point we almost got lost, but some nearby cow shamans were able to point us in the right direction.

Though nothing was ever too far away, it always took forever to get anywhere. I never figured out if the long travel times were due to the traffic or the taxi drivers or the road system, but when being driven anywhere my impatience was usually overcome by terror and a strong distaste for the lack of Balinese traffic laws.

Though driving between places was occasionally terrifying, Bali is beautiful, and there's lots to look at. The people have built temples everywhere, and every other house contains a guy who's really good at making religious sculptures.

Bali was nice. I recommend it.

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