Monday 1 August 2011

Bum Boats!

Bum boats. "Bum boats? Josh, whatever is a bum boat?"

Well, I'm glad you asked, anonymous-voice-person-who-conveniently-asks-me things-that-relate-to-the-topic-of-my-blog, and I would be happy to elaborate. A bum boat, you see, is a sort of small, funky looking craft that was originally used by the Chinese settlers who came to Singapore. These boats were later adapted into small river-cruising craft intended to ferry tourists and whoever else owns a ticket up and down the Singapore river. But before we move on, let's look at some pictures of some bum boat kiosks!




So as I said, bum boats are these little boats that you can ride around in to look at stuff.

For a while, they used the original Chinese bum boats, but they recently upgraded their fleet into these fancy varnished contraptions with crazy futuristic technology like televisions and tire armor.

The future.

The inside of the bum boat I rode on.

I saw some pretty crazy architecture during the cruise, but I'm going to save those pictures for a later blog that will focus exclusively on Singaporean architecture.

Also, what do you readers think about the design of my blog? Are the colours off? Should I change the font, change the layout, add a new background, etc. I'm completely open to suggestion.


  1. You don’t have the most appealing background, you can change it if you want.

  2. Hey Sweetheart,

    So far, I like your blog. You give enough description to go with your pictures. It's good that you provide a bit of history too.
    I remember out bum boat ride. Pretty stinky with all that exhaust coming out the back. Are these ones cleaner?
    What are you up to this weekend? Hope to hear more of your adventures.

  3. Our bum boats were fine. Sheryl said that they were new models, so maybe they fixed the exhaust problem.

    And you can expect a few blog posts about what I am doing this weekend.
