Thursday 18 August 2011


Let's get this blog post started. I have things to do! Big important things, so let's get this post over with so I can go and do those things.

Chinatown. Most big cities have a place called this (when I say "most," I mean Toronto, cuz that's really the only big city I know that has one. I don't go to many big cities), but in case you don't know, Chinatown is just a district in a city full of Chinese-type things. I.e. people, food, shops, etc.


As it was near the MRT stop where I got off, I went first to the Chinatown Heritage Center

I have no idea where that pole came from.

It was interesting, I suppose. It was a pretty much three floored museum that documented what the early Chinese settlers coming to Singapore did, where they lived, how they slept, etc.

I can't remember what this is, but it's kinda cool looking.

There was also a hindu temple in Chinatown.

And this is where I ate.

The restaurant was on the main food road of Chinatown. At lunch, it's busy and crowded, but mid-afternoon, when I ate lunch, it's empty and it looks like everything's been closed up for the winter (the terrible, terrible, Singaporean winter).

So anyway, the place I ate at was still open. To show the waiter what I wanted, I pointed at something that looked like meat on the menu, and said "hot pot" beside it. He came back with a metal box that had a hole cut into the top, inside of which I could see some white lumps of something. Being sheltered and uncultured, I had assumed that a "hot pot" dish was a meal that was served hot, and in a pot. I was sort of right, except that the meal was kept hot because the pot was placed over the aforementioned metal box, and the white lumps in the box were lit aflame. so that was pretty cool.

There was also these vegetables in the mix of food I ordered. I couldn't tell whether they were okra or green chili peppers. So I ate one. They were chilis.


  1. The hot pot sounds interesting. i don't recall ever ordering that but Dad's had it in TO before.
    Looks like you got a pretty good taste of Chinatown.

  2. It was pretty good. In retrospect, I should have taken pictures of the food I ate because it would give the reader a better idea of what I was talking about.

    I didn't mention it, but I also had some awesome dessert buns for dessert.

  3. We had hot pot in Malaysia. You can get it in Toronto if you know where to look. Sounds like a good time.

  4. I need to stop eating the chilis that are served with my food.
