Monday 22 August 2011

Sungei Buloh

I like nature a great deal. Animals are so diverse and well-suited to their environment, fungus decomposes stuff  like no tomorrow, and plants are awesome. Nature just does it right. Anyway, my Aunt, Uncle, offspring and I went to Sungei Buloh, which is a Singaporean nature reserve.

As we brought my cousins, we opted to walk the shorter of the two available boardwalks. It was a good meter above the ground/swamp, and there were shaded rest stops along the way for hikers to get catch their breath. However, we saw our first animal before we even began the walk.

He saw us coming, so he hid.

Shortly afterwards we came upon an algae-covered pool that was a brilliantly icky shade of green.

Fortunately, lizards like to bathe in sludge.

But lizards weren't all we saw; there were also lots of little mud crabs jigging around and staying cool.

And plants. The tropical climate allows for vast biodiversity, so if one was to look at any given section of a Singaporean forest, one would notice that nearly every tree is of a unique species. Thusly, there were multiple plants on the walk that were alien enough to me so as to warrant a picture.

And in classic Chapman tradition, I took a picture of a dead tree.

And I don't really know what's so special about this tree, but the Asian family in front of me was taking lots of pictures and gesturing wildly at it's upper bits, so I figured it was worth a picture too.


  1. Even if you didn't take the pictures, you really should do a blog about your prawn fishing the same day... you were clearly a natural at it : )
    Aunt Sheryl

  2. I don't mean to be unthankful, but the pictures we got weren't the best, and we didn't really get that many.

    If we do it again I'll conduct the appropriate documentation and write an appropriate post.
