Wednesday 31 August 2011

High Tea at Raffles Hotel

After a fortnight of delays, my Aunt Sheryl was, to my great excitement, able to book us for an afternoon at Raffles Hotel.

Specifically, we were booked for High Tea. High Tea is this wonderful English invention in which one puts on pants, goes somewhere classy and eats fancy food. I have begun to like tea, and I do like to eat, if not large amounts. Oh, and the pants thing is significant; it is very rare for there to be a dress code for restaurants in Singapore, but going to High Tea means that men must wear pants, no shorts allowed.

This handsome fellow demonstrates what it looks like to wear pants.

The tea room was off the lobby of the main hotel. And it was quite fancy. Raffles is also supposed to be a great hotel; on display in their museum were a bunch of "World's Best Hotel" trophies.

I was kind of disappointed in the food, because much of it tasted like cheap store-bought hors d'oeuvres. But it was OK, because the tea was good, and we had a live harpist.

I'm not going to post too many pictures of the actual tea, because sitting around and slowly eating small amounts of food isn't the kind of material that makes for exciting photos. However, I will post some shots of the very attractive colonial architecture.

This looks a lot cooler than it would have had there been better lighting.

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